Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Have been using Gatsby for so long and I did not notice its effectiveness before, until that day.. the day I took my passport size photos.. It was like another hair gel advertisement. Entered the photo kiosks and adjust my head to fit in the virtual frame on the screen. Then snapped! I went on and took my photo from the kiosks, and passed it to the staffs for documentation processing.

X   : "Sorry sir, your picture cannot be used. You have to take a new one." 
me : "Why?"
X   : "It is because the photo you give do not fit your whole head sir. We will let you take a new photo for free, but the third time, we'll charge RM25."

Took a look at the picture. My god, the hair exceeded the top frame. Went back to the kiosks again. This time, make sure that the hair is pressed downwards, no matter how ugly the hairstyle would be. I pressed, my hair stands back right after I release it.. I pressed again, it stands again.. Finally, I pressed my hair until the countdown of 3 seconds and released and the last second. Snap! Well, it is right below the upper frame.

Gatsby! Keep your hair standing 24/7!


常常看到一些父母会很宠爱儿女,特别是给予儿女金钱上的享受,心里就会责怪那些父母没有好好教育儿女,结果把他们给宠坏。但是今天听了一位老 uncle 的一番话后,我觉得人有时候还是不可以那么快下定论。

