Friday, June 26, 2009

origami robot

Boredom invaded me while I was having my daily task - online. Numbness forced me to stand up to move about before I became a statue in front of the laptop. Suddenly, I thought of doing something I used to do when I was a child. Opening the cupboard, I took out some pieces of papers and started trying to fold them into something, anything. Then, I got something. It looked like a jet. Anyway, it looked so... erm.. I should say incomplete. A second look at it gave me an idea that it could be the body part of a robot (inspired by transformer, although I haven't seen it yet). I started making other body parts and glued them together. Finally, I got this.

I also added a sword for "him".

I showed my mom and guess what. She said that I'm too free until have time to do these stuff. She'll give me some house chores. Haha. But really, I don't help my mom much in doing house chores after coming back from utp. Now, this robot is given to my cousin already. She will need it more than me.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Prison Break

Finally, I managed to finish Prison Break. After a long time, it comes to an end and I feel lighter now. Although I don't quite like the ending, I enjoy this drama a lot. Sincerely recommend it to all of you!

Sunday, June 7, 2009











