Friday, June 18, 2010

My Childhood Goal Post

This picture is taken by me around 8pm just now. I took it because of the memories it dug out of my rusty mind. It is a picture of my house's front gate.

You all may wonder why I post the picture of my house's front gate here. It is because it is more than my house's front gate. My bro and I made it the goal of our house's mini football field. You can see the two goal posts there. We two football buffs used to play football in front of our house even until 8pm. The lamp post was the only light that shined us throughout the game. It was dim but for us, it was enough. We enjoyed football until we were so reluctant to go back home for our bath and dinner. Mom needed to yell for us times and times over to get us inside the house.

Mostly, it was a 2 persons game. My bro and I took turn to be the goalkeeper. Sometimes, we did invite some malay neighbours to play but I don't think any of them remembered us and vice versa. The ground was stony and we were barefooted. Sometimes there were bougainvillea's dried thorns, big stones that we stepped on. Yet injuries seldom stopped us from playing. I hated it the most when the ball flew over the gate to the other side as we usually forgot to bring the key and were too lazy to walk in the house for the key. In the end, we had to climb over the gate. Isn't it ironic that we have to climb over our own gate? Haha.

There were so much precious memories that I would like to treasure. My little BRO, hope we can still spend time like we did even in future. Yeah!!!