Saturday, October 16, 2010




I'm starting to like playing rugby!


最近,我吃糖果吃上瘾了。到店里一次买lima puluh biji,但是两个星期就吃完了。算一算,平均一天吃3.5粒。其实,起初,我买糖果是为了保持口气清新,就是要:饭后一粒糖,口气“pang gui lang” (hokkien)-“香过人”。但是后来读书或上课时就很想咬东西,结果一粒接一粒,上瘾了。现在正在“戒糖”。

I have a sweet tooth, that will never come loose..

~~Cookie Jar by Gym Class Heroes~~



Boredom inspires Creativity


最近,星期六都有 Manufacturing Technology Lab。周末只剩下一天而已。最长的是从早上八点到下午五点。 其实很懒惰去,但是有些Lab又很好玩,能多懂几样东西,如:CNC and Conventional Milling, Lathe and Welding。我觉得这是目前唯一一课让我们比较了解工程师工作的科目。

engineer's life?


最近,我们参加了paintball比赛,队名是PakBeTo (打不倒 in hokkien)。 那是我的第一次玩paintball,满好玩的,只是子弹不足。我被射中两抢,黑青了。

PakBeTo 这名是我以前从某队的Slogan想到的。

Slogan: Tomato。。Potato。。PakBeto!!!

最近,我买了一双球鞋,很喜欢,但是踢球时,觉得不是很好踢。无论如何,这是我的第一双 futsal 鞋,而且不是很便宜哦。当然,有了这双鞋以后,我就比较常踢球了,希望球技能赶快进步多一些,不要每次都觉得技不如人。

My Red Puma! Help me run faster and kick better!!!



Wonder where to dry your clothes?



Saturday, October 2, 2010

十月二日 晴

Sat Oct 2, 2010

1am, back from basketball with a couples of friends. Still having high sports spirit, because long time didn't go for sports. Saw the roundabout in front of hostel, suggest to play football there, and there we go, started the kicking. The football game: 5 guys 1 ball, in the center of the roundabout, cars and motorcycles passing... Heard one motorcyclist saying "Inilah style!".

Suddenly the ball was going out of the road and a Kancil is on its path. Quickly try to stop the ball. Accidentally stepped on the ball and got one of my foot out in the road. The driver slowed down, gave me a smile, and drove off. Lucky me.. and stupid me for trying, should have left the ball! Slept at 3.30am after some time on the web.

<-----This pic pasted is the roundabout.

Morning 7.54am woke up, stuffed three pieces of gardenia bread with kaya into mouth, rushed for saturday lab. Longest lab ever, 8am to 5pm, Drag my body back to room, saw the other packet of expired bread, asked friends to go feed fish beside UTP lake. Fish-feeding at about 6.30pm. UTP fish looks hungry in the picture, fighting for gardenia breads. Gardenia can use this picture for advertistment, but perhaps advertistment in the marine world. Fish feeding is not so fun, so change to fishing catching. UTP fish are just as clever as UTP students, so hard to catch.

But still, UTP students out-wisdomed UTP fish. Gotcha, little fish! 3 more fish "volunteered" to keep him/her accompanied in the end. They are in the hostel now.

9.00pm, started blogging. Think a long time how to write it, at last try the diary type post. Doesn't really seem like one though, doen't know english diary format.

Will be in V5 cafe watching ManU vs Sunderland at 10.00pm. Must win la, ManU!

Sun Oct 3, 2010

waiting for blog post comments.... hahaha