When I entered the final week of SPM trial, I became more lazy and demotivated. From reading in detail, I began to flip over the pages, only memorising some equations and finally didn't revise at all when I knew the equations would be given in the examination. Physics, Biologi paper 3, mathematics (redo) are the subjects to be tested. I did badly in all the three subjects.
Physics: I used the wrong theory (solenoid) to solve a question about magnetic field. I told the teacher that I couldn't do that question because I couldn't see the coils of wires in the diagram. But actually, there were no wire in that particular question. That teacher got out of the hall, maybe to search for the original sheets. Then, I asked my Physics teacher the same question. Then, she said:"Hak ni bukan guna wire punya, guna tangan kanan. Hak tu tangan kanan punya rule, ....tangan kanan...tangan kanan..." She wanna told me that the correct theory was the right hand grip rule. As the hall was so quiet that even I could hear my own breathing, her voice appeared to be a bit loud. I was so embarassed that I kept saying:"Ok, saya try sendiri, saya try sendiri..." I kept looking around to see if there were dissatisfying look as teacher told me the answer.
Biologo Paper 3: It wasn't too hard nor too easy. I tried to finish it as soon as possible. I didn't even check my answer even though there were 30 minutes left. I let the time ticked off without a second look on my paper.
Mathematics : I did badly compared to the first time.
ANYWAY, the most important message of this post is the SPM trial is over already. But, there is more to come.(the SPM)
u did badly also come out with good result one la....
norasiah really told u ar?
why i never heard that one?
not fair, not fair...
Anyway, just to tell you all...
What is the use?????
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