Today, my sis urged me to watch a video clip. I thought it will be something funny like the one she let me watch last time. Anyway, when I rushed into the room in front of the computer screen, I saw a group of people, maybe on an expedition in Safari. They were taking photographs of a few lions or lionesses. What flashed through my mind about the video clip was "a lucky survive from animal attacks" just like those in "World Most Amazing Videos".
The show went on. A man stepped nearer to those creatures. Just like what I've expected, the man was attacked by a lioness. Out of the blue, a few more also take part. Blood can be seen all over the victim's or the prey's body. The people around quickly tried to scare the lionesses off, but all their efforts are in vain. He was still struggling. The victim's wife, kids and a toddle was in the car, watching their beloved one being eaten alive. Tears can be seen, the toddle was crying, and his friends look so inconsolable, because they can do nothing but to watch their friend turning into a meal. I was petrified. The ending was not what I expected. The man who was still struggling for life just now had already lain there motionless, and the lionesses were feasting on his abdomen. Oh, God! Why didn't they get into the car and tried to scare them off by honking or whatever? The scene was too horrible for me. And the emotion of all the faces. I just couldn't get that scene out of my head.
What I can say is curiosity kills! Don't try anymore dangerous things. It doesn't worth your life.
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