Monday, November 15, 2010
The Helmet
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
十月二日 晴
1am, back from basketball with a couples of friends. Still having high sports spirit, because long time didn't go for sports. Saw the roundabout in front of hostel, suggest to play football there, and there we go, started the kicking. The football game: 5 guys 1 ball, in the center of the roundabout, cars and motorcycles passing... Heard one motorcyclist saying "Inilah style!".
Suddenly the ball was going out of the road and a Kancil is on its path. Quickly try to stop the ball. Accidentally stepped on the ball and got one of my foot out in the road. The driver slowed down, gave me a smile, and drove off. Lucky me.. and stupid me for trying, should have left the ball! Slept at 3.30am after some time on the web.
<-----This pic pasted is the roundabout.
Morning 7.54am woke up, stuffed three pieces of gardenia bread with kaya into mouth, rushed for saturday lab. Longest lab ever, 8am to 5pm, Drag my body back to room, saw the other packet of expired bread, asked friends to go feed fish beside UTP lake. Fish-feeding at about 6.30pm. UTP fish looks hungry in the picture, fighting for gardenia breads. Gardenia can use this picture for advertistment, but perhaps advertistment in the marine world. Fish feeding is not so fun, so change to fishing catching. UTP fish are just as clever as UTP students, so hard to catch.
But still, UTP students out-wisdomed UTP fish. Gotcha, little fish! 3 more fish "volunteered" to keep him/her accompanied in the end. They are in the hostel now.
9.00pm, started blogging. Think a long time how to write it, at last try the diary type post. Doesn't really seem like one though, doen't know english diary format.
Will be in V5 cafe watching ManU vs Sunderland at 10.00pm. Must win la, ManU!
Sun Oct 3, 2010
waiting for blog post comments.... hahaha
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Blood Donation

I always donate blood but everytime, mosquitoes are the nurses that help me through with that. I have been thinking of donating blood since secondary school but I never have the chance. Today, I went for my true first blood donation held in UTP. Maybe I've done too much "dosa" in UTP, need to go "buang dosa" a bit, haha. For the blood donation, I've even missed my SP lecture and a pop-quiz. Nevermind la, at least I missed it for something good this time. Below is the report:
Aim: To donate blood.
Problem statement: Will I chicken-out for my first blood donation?
Hypothesis: I successfully donate blood and I did it like a man. (LOL)
Materials and apparatus: a phlebotomy needle, a flexible collection bag, blood, lollipop, forms, weigh balance etc.
1) fill up forms regarding personal details and health status. (quite a lot)
2) weigh myself (must be 45kg minimum)
3) test for blood pressure (pressure quite high---worrying)
4) test for blood type
5) fill up forms again and sign for don't know what la
6) then put a lollipop into mouth
7) lie on a bed and get a little nervous (*no. 6 & 7 standard procedures, must follow)
8) start blood donation
9) claim free milo and tiger biscuits
10) go back with a plaster on arm
1) Nice experience.
2) Blood pressure is quite high, so need to beware of it.
3) It is good to finally know my blood type.
4) It is actually quite meaningful for me although they just took 350ml of blood from me. Hope it helps to make a difference between life and death.
5) The lollipop is quite nice.
The hypothesis is accepted. I successfully donated blood and I did it like a man. We live as a community so do help others if we afford to do so. We will never know when we need helps from others one day. So, if you fulfil the basic requirements, go for blood donation!!!
After the blood donation, I went for lecture and moral presentation. Exhausted, I went back room to sleep after my lunch and missed my assignment meeting with my friend. Berdosa again~~ Haiz... Need to go for more blood donation, I guess.
Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010
Tangan Gatal
Everything went well until one day when I tried to lock almost all files to see if there was a maximum capacity for it. It was 1am and I would be going Pangkor the other day. Tangan gatal lo.. After I locked them, the folder lock software stopped functioning whenever I try to access it. Then butterflies flew all over my stomach and I scratched my head until I wanna cry. It is because 80% of my C drive documents and files are inside. Thinking of unstalling the software but scared of losing my files, I was blank. I spent the whole night looking for solution but nothing applied proved successful.
It was 8am and I managed to catch an hour sleep, then I headed for Pangkor Island. I could not really leave this problem behind my mind and I had to bring it along to Pangkor. But I did have fun in Pangkor. When I was back to UTP, I finally decided to risk all my files uninstalling Folder Lock. It was then that I realised that we have to enter Folder Lock to uninstall it. I CAN'T ENTER!!! Again, I spent the day searching for solutions but all my time was wasted for nothing.
Before I off my laptop, I gave system restore one last try. Miraculously, it was a success! I got all my musics, movies, series, pictures and academic documents back! I was so happy that I wanna shout out loud, but my roommate was asleep by that time. So, I ran out my room and gave a shout, followed by a sigh of relief. Sorry neighbours if I had you awaked. Then I was back in my room writing this blog post.
I am truly relieved and Berbatovs hat-trick which made ManU winning 3-2 over Liverpool made my night. Anyway my night left only a couple of hours as it is 3am now. Having lectures at 8am somemore.... One problem gone, the others continue coming.. What to do? This is life. Tahan lo...
Thursday, July 29, 2010
主人有一次竟把我当成他手提电脑的Cooling Pad。Cooling Pad,你可看到我在主人心目中的地位了吧!
(inspired by primary school's chinese essay-自述)
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Free Fall
Free fall or not, nice experience though.

Although I didn't manage to try on flying fox in the National Service, I was able to have that experience in a camp a year ago. It was like a 0.256788345 second free fall before the safety belt tied on my back got stretched taut. Hahaha. And the flying fox I had, of course, was not as extreme as the picture attached below. Anyway, flying fox is really worth second trying.

The picture below was a snapshot taken when I was on a Sawarak trip, weeks ago. You can see a half naked guy there climbing up the big boulder. There, I saw the Pro"s" jumping with style from the peak of that boulder. Maybe there's the training place the Olympic diving gold medalist. Hahaha. My friend dared me for a jump and I took the challenge. While climbing up, I realised that it was actually higher than it looked, so I started with the half height. A deep breathe, a leap, and I was in the water. COOL!!! Then I went for the higher grounds and eventually the highest point (really tak takut mati). The jump didn't allow you time to shout, as I was on air for only about 1 second. I should have recorded the jump for my grandchild to show what grandpa was capable of !!!

Every free fall is quite scary but everytime when you have your feet back on the ground, your heart will shout:"Let's go again!" Real brave ya, so what about bungee jump and skydiving? For now, no thanks.. Too extreme...
Friday, June 18, 2010
My Childhood Goal Post
This picture is taken by me around 8pm just now. I took it because of the memories it dug out of my rusty mind. It is a picture of my house's front gate.
You all may wonder why I post the picture of my house's front gate here. It is because it is more than my house's front gate. My bro and I made it the goal of our house's mini football field. You can see the two goal posts there. We two football buffs used to play football in front of our house even until 8pm. The lamp post was the only light that shined us throughout the game. It was dim but for us, it was enough. We enjoyed football until we were so reluctant to go back home for our bath and dinner. Mom needed to yell for us times and times over to get us inside the house.
Mostly, it was a 2 persons game. My bro and I took turn to be the goalkeeper. Sometimes, we did invite some malay neighbours to play but I don't think any of them remembered us and vice versa. The ground was stony and we were barefooted. Sometimes there were bougainvillea's dried thorns, big stones that we stepped on. Yet injuries seldom stopped us from playing. I hated it the most when the ball flew over the gate to the other side as we usually forgot to bring the key and were too lazy to walk in the house for the key. In the end, we had to climb over the gate. Isn't it ironic that we have to climb over our own gate? Haha.
There were so much precious memories that I would like to treasure. My little BRO, hope we can still spend time like we did even in future. Yeah!!!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
thoughts during study week
As for my academic, it is a mess. I took up seven subjects: Statics, Differential Equation, Academic Writing, Introduction to Oil and Gas, Engineering Drawing, Introduction to Material Science and lastly Business Accounting (minor). I hardly understand a few of the chapters in Statics. I can do Differential Equation questions but not knowing the purpose of the application of formulas. Academic Writing lectures are all in the morning and it is definitely not among my favourite lectures. I think I have only turn up for the Intro to Oil and Gas lectures for four times. Engineering Drawing sometimes appear to be interesting but for me, mostly it is frustrating. As for Intro to Material Science, it is the only chemistry-liked subject and I think I hate it. All I can say about Business Accounting is that I underestimated that subject as I took Accounting in Form 5. My coursework marks are such a sore to my eyes. It is definitely not a first semester of my degree studying that I wish for.
Many other disappointment followed. Manchester United lost in the pursuit for the BPL and UEFA Champion League Cup. San Antonio Spurs was down 4-0 in the NBA conference semi finals to Phoenix Suns and I'll have to put all my supports on LA Lakers then. Now, I'm supporting Malaysia for the Thomas Cup, but not Uber.
My body clock changed and I slept quite late recently. I can't help it but there is no giving up in changing that as I am still working on it. Wish me all the best for my finals and please, please don't have the shock expression on your face when you realise that my results are poor.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
me vs weather
I went swimming this evening. The erratic weather always manage to get me on my nerve but not this time! There was a little drizzle when I reached the swimming pool. Reluctant to go back room just like that, I was in the water after 5 minutes. It rained more heavily after a short while. The scene of raindrops hitting again the surface of the water was so nice and I could hear it clearly under the water. It appeared to be so peaceful. Soon I saw a few guys with football boots and ball coming over. The first thing on my mind was "Oh, shit! Those guys with sweats all over are coming down to the pool? Yucks!" And so, I got out of the water and made a final jump into the pool before leaving. I didn't regret swimming in the rain.
But then, I headed for the badminton court and saw my friends playing there. I joined and this time, the weather took his revenge. I was trapped there until nine something as the heavy downpour was not willing to rest the case. I was soaking wet in my perspiration and I hadn't taken my dinner. Please stop me rain! I SURRENDER!!! In the end, I had to walk back to my room barefooted under the rain. The weather maybe was laughing at me but I claimed my time for sports this time!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sem Break

Dunno what it is called
Hokkien Mee
On 8th Jan, I had to bring along my matric card for the first time since the sem break started because I was back to UTP and worse off, without my laptop! It was then that I realised that if I did not online, I actually had at least 6 hours of free time a day. Boredom set me off to Kampar. JL, CY and me went to visit Jason for the first time. Thanks Jason for allocating time to take us around Kampar. It is undeniable that we three UTPians envied Jason because Kampar was really a food paradise if compared to UTP.
Didn't take any other pictures, just took the pic of the Grand Kampar Hotel
The next day, I was standing somewhere I never set foot in before. Looking up into the sky, two big buildings blocked my sight. They are the Petronas Twin Towers. We were there to gather before heading for Port Dickson for Soaring The Eagle (STE) Programme. Casa Rachado was the resort we stayed. I enjoyed the 5 days camp and learnt something, something that I can merely remember already, haha.
I went back Alor Star for a week before going back to UTP again to indulge myself for the last time before the new sem started. I finally entered degree and the first 2 days were like WTFook. The confusing timetable kept stars circling above my head like the ring of light. Everything hasn't settled down for the moment. Anyway, I enjoyed my sem break, a lot.