Wednesday, December 30, 2009
last for 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
short tales in recent life
my regular meal
the lake
comfortable, convenient,... support Adidas! haha
And that day, I left my clothes outside drying and headed for IRC for some revision. I think my "RAM" was completely stuffed with ICIS notes, terms, etc until I totally forgot about my clothes. At 6pm, I ran through the rain to "rescue" them. It's too late, anyway. They were soaked wet.
One last tale, I was late for my ICIS final exam. I didn't wake up late, just that I wasted too much time on the way to the examination hall. I had so many butteflies in my stomach when I entered the hall. I took some time to settle down before starting my ICIS final paper. The objective questions were tougher than the subjective ones. Hope to have good marks...
Sunday, November 8, 2009
self reflection

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Village 2 in UTP
V2D - the block I'm living in. The window above right where the stairs start descending,
is my room. So, I also don't know I'm in the ground floor or the first floor. Haha.
"I think it is not necessary to let you all take a look at my room so I don't take any photos.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
It was so irony for someone who is so unconfident in carrying most of the tasks in life, like me to ask others always to have faith in themselves. Recently, due to my lack in confidence and fear for bearing consequences, driving somehow appears to be a great challenge for me. When people ask me to drive, I'll try to reject. But, no worries because I'm working on it now. Wish me luck to find back my confidence in driving and in whatever things I do. I'm off to go...
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Oh, it's three already, which was the exact time my replacement chemistry lecture started. Taking my pencil case and calculator in one hand, I ran to the lecture hall. Gasping for air, I stepped into the lecture hall and found my lecturer standing inside. I was going to take a seat at the behind row when he suddenly shouted: "Hey you, come in front please!" I was still blurred at that time....
Sunday, August 30, 2009
National Day Weekend
As free as a bird after my ICIS lab on friday noon, I washed my clothes and got my finger warm-up for FIFA09 by facebook-ing first. The tough France team got me rematching the game over and over again. My focus disconnected from FIFA when JL called me for badminton. Actually, I was considered beginner in badminton, and I think that's why JL invited me to play so he can bully me. Haha. Mason, CS and David followed along. It was nice. My badminton skills improved, by a minute amount, I think, maybe I hope. Exhausted, I accidentally kicked a senior's file left on the floor. Luckily, the senior was the friendly-type. The game left me with hangover - the aches and pain all around my body, as I didn't warm-up. In the evening, my friend rent a car and brought us out to Tronoh for food. We also went Taman Maju. AND one more thing, I was so reckless to leave my handphone on top of the car and finally realised it when we stopped for petrol-filling. Luckily, the handphone didn't fly off when the car was moving.
There was nothing special on Saturday. I online the whole afternoon and went to play basketball in the evening. At night, I went to watch football with Mason. It was a big match. Manchester United vs Arsenal. MU led 2-1. At the last minute, Arsenal equalised but it was an offside violation. We shouted and cheered like hell until I was too excited to sleep. Anyway, it was not a good performance by MU. Later JL came to my room to sing and Arria came later on to chat. We planned to go for "sahur" at 6am but V2 cafe already closed so we headed back to sleep.
Of course, I skipped Sunday morning. Bearing some mild muscle ache, I still went to play basketball at 10pm. We played with a few pro Malays. I was overcome with fatigue but it feels good to sweat this much. And one more thing, frankly, I really forgot about the National Day countdown. Haha.
It was National Day but I didn't sense any spirit of patriotism around. No sports for Monday. My drama team spent about 3 hours to roughly finish a draft of our script. At night, I had to start rushing for chemistry tutorial. This was the consequences of having the quote "Revising and doing assignment are prohibited in weekends". I didn't even understand what the questions wanted and I wasn't sure what time only I could finish it. So please don't try this in university...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Back to UTP
I think I'll enjoy more in the second semester here in UTP. But we'll see then.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
an ordinary day
Then before heading home, we dropped by Alor Star Mall to buy my bro a new pair of slippers. My bro only noticed that he left his slippers in one of the restaurants in Alor Star Mall before we stepped into our house. So, we headed back there and had a movie, "Ice Age 3" instead of going back. It was quite nice and funny but "Transformers 2, Revenge of the Fallen" is still top in my list of favourite movies.
At night, there was a heavy downpour with deafening thunder. And, "thack"! the automatic switch or the fuse box closed the passage of electricity to protect the house's electrical appliances from the high-energy overvoltages caused by lightning. There was a blackout. We dared not turn the switch on again because the lightning can still be seen flashing across the sky. My family and I had dinner in a romantic atmosphere with candles all around. Mosquitoes and heat were the spoilers! hahaha. At about 11pm when we came out of the room, our house were engulfed by smoke. We forgot to close the electric cooker and the curry boiled until too dry. Don't worry, there were no sophisticated smoke detectors or water sprinkler mounted in my house. I am dry. I am safe. Just that the scorched food's smell will keep on haunting my house for another day, I think.
Friday, June 26, 2009
origami robot
I also added a sword for "him".
I showed my mom and guess what. She said that I'm too free until have time to do these stuff. She'll give me some house chores. Haha. But really, I don't help my mom much in doing house chores after coming back from utp. Now, this robot is given to my cousin already. She will need it more than me.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Prison Break
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Foun Da Theme Camp
First, we reached the campsite in a rather bored condition. Erecting our own tent was the first thing we do. Yang, Chang Siong and shared a tent. After our lunch, we played the high elements. It was quite fun except the push-up part. Then, the highlight of the day was the flying fox. Our flying-fox was different. The common one was by holding onto something with our hands while moving downwards but we were hung like superman. And so, we did lots of styles like acting like superman or ultraman. Haha. At first, we climbed up a structure about three storey high. I took the plunge and experienced free fall only for half a second. Then I did the finishing touch by performing the swimming style. When we reached the other end, we had to cross the river back to the other side. The current is quite fast and I nearly fell. At night, we were blindfolded and asked to form a long straight line by holding the front people's shoulder. We were brought around the campsite. Orders were passed from the front like "Ada batu, angkat kaki, uphill, downhill, squad down, ....." Anyway, many other silly orders came out of nowhere. And when the order "squad down" was passed down, it spread so fast that the whole line of people squad down although only the obstruction was still far away for the people behind. It was so funny. We walked for almost 2 hours. The objective was to let us feel for the blinds.
The second day was begun with the morning exercise. Damn sleepy by that time. I think I was running with my eyes closed. After breakfast, we started some team building games. The first challenge was the spider web. We had to carry all people over the "web" without touching it. The second one is the land mine. We failed the game as almost 3 quarter of our group members "died". The third game was continued after the lunch. Given 4 bigs piece of wood and thick ropes, we were demanded to cross an imaginary river. So, we built something like a bridge to get pass to the other side. The last game was the electric fence where we have to transfer the whole team one by one over the fence to the other side. We broke the record! At night, we were brought up the hill to have a night view. The starlit sky was beyond description. It was so mesmerising. When we walked out back to the campsite, my friends and I nearly lost track of the people in front. We kept running and had to avoid the thorns from plants. I was so grateful that there was no rain that night. The night didn't end there. We had ghost stories-telling session. We circled around and started that session. After some times, we felt cold and retired for the day.
We were also awaken at the third morning for exercising. Then, we had three more games. In the first game, we were given two big sheets of clothes where we had to stand on it and kept putting the other one in front to progress until we crossed the finishing line. My group, Delta won. After that, we were divided into Kampung Minyak Wangi and Kampung Sampah. The situation was both kampung's villagers wanna get pass to the other side by crossing a plank, the "brigde". We had to cooperate by crossing the bridge without falling down from the plank. Lots of "hugging". The third game was the A-frame where there was a pilot in the middle while the A structure was pulled by four ropes controlled by other members. The pulling and releasing of ropes by certain sides would make the frame moved forward and continued progressing. Then, we tidied our stuff and kept the tent before departing back.
I have learnt quite a lot of things there. But the most important thing I learnt is KEEP FIT.
My friends and I before playing the flying fox. See whose face looks afraid.
(From left: Mason, Arrian, Me, Jia Liang, Ming Heng, Chang Siong)
Saturday, May 2, 2009
My room in UTP
Friday, May 1, 2009
Don't ever try to skip class
Only about fifteen minutes in IRC, I received a call from LJL, saying that I "kantoi" already. The tutor had already realised that someone signed for me as no one answered when he called my name in the class. Initially, I made my decision to ignore it. Anyway, the internet connection in IRC was so slow at that time, so I decided to go back to class. When I entered the class, I saw that my name on the list had been cancelled and the tutor asked whether my name was the one cancelled. The whole class laughed.
That wasn't the end. He directly asked me to do a tutorial question on the white board. No one had the answer and I hadn't done it. Anyway, I went out and gave it a try. I couldn't get the answer. Handing me the sheet with answer, he said "Stop torturing yourself, just copy it!"
So, I guessed my name will be painted black in his mind forever. Haiz, first try already "Kantoi"! I think I have messed with the wrong guy already.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Pictures in UTP
I hurt my finger while playing basketball. I went to the clinic and get my fingers bandaged. I was also given some pain killers and medicine for swelling. The first picture was the one after I trimmed the wooden splint. Before that, it was like the second picture. There was no smaller wooden splinter in the clinic.
Cross Cultural Melodious Show 2009 – Melodious Rendezvous
My friends and I went for the Cross Cultural Melodious Show 2009 – Melodious Rendezvous, organised by Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Orchestra Chinese Musical (UTPOCM) . It was a great one. A well-known "er hu" solonist from Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Miss Xiyao Chen, said to be top ten in the world and a famous conductor were invited to perform.
My co-curriculum-Modern Music (Alto Saxophone)
My Poster Presentation for English
Monday, April 6, 2009
Mid Semester Break
The other morning, a call from Brendan woke me up. "Wei, CC, I'll go fetch you now, ok?" I jumped up and rushed to the toilets to prepare myself for the first day in Alor Star since I went back to UTP after taking SPM results. Who knows, maybe I'll see a pretty girl. I rushed out after hearing some honkings and Gary was in the Brendan's Peugeot also. We met with Chee Wah and Kee Peow at Simpang Kuala. They called Kee Peow bad guy due to his "prisoner hairstyle". Instead of Kee Peow's suggestion of eating "Ba Kut Tiea", we went to Alor Star mall. We met Fang and Jian Hao there. We had lunch at UNO cafe and chit-chatted for an hour. They brought me to KSAH, our secondary school after that. We walked around, taking pictures and sat inside 5 Gamma where we used to chit-chat all the time. Brushing through the cobweb of time, lots of memories flashed through my mind. The PAS Cup, Hairstyle-Rainy Day, punishments by teachers, ...
On Sunday, Wil Bond asked me to school again to thank all teachers. Chia Soon drove me there. The ride was slow but steady. All my other friends were already there. All of them were there to verify their documents, instead of thanking our teachers. Haha. The principal was having a meeting so we went to City Plaza first. We had McDonald again.
I went to school again on Tuesday to handle some procedures for the LCCI certificate.
I actually spent most of my time at home with my brother. My PC broke out, so the only entertainment left is TV. So, when my Pc finally done repaired, my bro and I watched the Hong Kong drama, E.U. Quite nice but I don't manage to finish all the episode so I bring some to UTP. I treated Jia Liang's Acer as my TV.
On Friday and Saturday, I went to SP and Bukit Pinang for All Soul's Day. I met my cousin, Wei Jing there. We talked quite a lot about university's life. Then, we prayed and ate so much. It's a long time since we gathered like that.
During the mid semester break, I had pork, meat, fish, fruits, everything. My sis brought me to Pizza Hut and also Alor Star Mall's cinema for the movie "Race to the Witch Mountain".
I really enjoyed the nine days and lI'm looking forward for my next break.
Manchester United vs Aston Villa (5/4/09)
So, the match started. Aston Villa seemed to be a stronger team in the first few minutes until Manchester United was awarded a free kick in the penalty box due to back pass violation. Christiano Ronaldo netted it in a flash. Anyway, before the match ended, Carew equalised back with a header. All of us in the common room signed in disbelief.
For the second half, Mason and I went to the RZM cafe. I ordered a big glass of milo. I nearly decided to go back to sleep when Agborlahor scored, making it 2-1. Several changes had been made and Manchester United seemed to dominate the game. At the 80th minutes, Christiano Ronaldo's ball curved right into the right corner. All MU supporters shouted in joys. 90 minutes had passed but there were 5 minutes of injury time. In the last 15 minutes, MU had a couple of good chances but they failed to score. Then in the 92nd minutes, MacHeda, a new player I think turned and shot. The ball curved past Brad Friedel, followed by shouts of "GOAL"! Mason and I jumped out and shouted loudly. We kept hitting the table and shouting. The celebration almost lasted for 5 minutes. So, in the last, MU got all 3 points with 3-2 as the final results.
It was indeed an exciting game. And, I can't sleep after the game.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Another factor is I like to peel apples. I learnt how to peel an apple from my mom and sis. I noticed that everytime they don't let the apple's skin torn off until almost the whole apple is peeled off the skin. Therefore, I tried and tried and finally I succeeded. Haha. I used to watch TV while peeling the apple but now apples are hardly available here in UTP. Besides, I also eat apples on my way to my tuition. I like doing so because first, as a dessert after dinner and second, it prevents my mouth(breath) from getting stink.
The consequences of eating apples are first, never have constipation and second, I'll be getting further away from Chia Soon, Yin, Min Yee, Megat, Tamim, Nazrin and Wan Khalis they all. It is because of the saying, "An apple a day, keep the doctor away!" So, sorry for my doctor friends.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Are rich people getting prettier?
If a guy or lady is rich, he/she will have money to buy some cosmetics for makeup. He/She will have the money to buy fancy clothes and other adornments.
If a guy or lady is rich, he/she will have money for plastic surgery and other alternatives to lose weight, to get taller or others.
If a guy or lady is rich, he/she will most probably marry a beautiful wife/husband. This means that their child may be prettier due to the other life partner's genes.
But most rich guys or ladies are stuffed with "nutrients" by their parents when they were children and they will continue eating with a big appetite and grow fat.
And, most rich guys or ladies prefer to enjoy their life in their comfortable environment than going for sports, games which makes them look "tak bersemangat" and they can't get slimmer.
So, what's your opinion?
(No offense to anyone who is rich!)
Friday, March 6, 2009
My Ambition
At the age of 16, I started having the interest towards engineering as I began to watch some National Geography and Discovery programmes at that time. And, I liked to do some small, peculiar but useless stuff with sticks, papers and rubber bands. I tried many but only a few were successfully produced and one of them was my rubber ball. Considering all these, I think I like Mechanical Engineering (Mechatronic actually, to be more specified) as it involved movement. Anyway, I also like architecture, astronomy, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Too many things already, I think. So, suddenly there was a question orbitting around my head. Is it that I actually like new knowledge and too much exposure to programmes and new things about ME led me to the wrong thought that I like ME?
Until now, actually, I think I still hold tight onto my first ambition---inventor. I like to design things although I'm not good at it. I like to solve problems that made everyone's brain swell. So, I like to learn new but easy things that other people seldom do. To conclude all in a nutshell, I think I just like to earn respect from others and be remembered until maybe 200 years later. And the strange part is I seldom take money as a factor in deciding my ambition.
*Seldom ≠ never
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Ist of March
It's my first birthday away from home. At 12 am on the 1st of March, my friends were singing birthday song for me. As most of them only knew my birthday that midnight, there were no presents. And, they suggested to let me play an interesting game as my present. They filled a paper with names and pasted it on the door. The light was off. They started asking questions and asked me to throw the darts to see which name was struck. We couldn't stop laughing as their questions were so silly and funny.
This year, quite a few friends back in Alor Star remembered my birthday and I appreciated it a lot. My family sent me a birthday card. Although I haven't received it yet (hostel supervisor says letter will only reach in 3 weeks), I was so touched. I wanted to go home. My sister promised to give me a treat. Hahaha.
At 11pm on 01/03/09, I watched the Carling Cup final, Manchester United vs Tottenham Hospur. My birthday ended with Manchester United lifting the Carling Cup trophy.
I'm 18 now. New goals need to be set and there are lots of things I need to learn and improve upon.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Acidic Saliva
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Am I?
I had a friend who is very nervous and he wants confirmation for everything, twice or thrice. Sometimes, when I'm focusing on something, he kept asking me things. Recently, I actually showed my frustrated expression to him. And, he kept saying sorry for that. And not long after that, he told me that he is going to leave my school as he is not suitable for engineering. I kind of feeling guilty for that. Is it because of my reluctancy to help him that causes him to think like that?
And I dunno whether I'm feeling guilty now or feeling scared that actually all people had that impression towards me. Am I a considerate person? Am I? I kept self-reflecting and suddenly I found I had a lot to do to improve my attitude towards friends and other people.
Friday, February 6, 2009
First Blog Here
I slept late almost every night recently. My definition for late is 1 to3 am. Don't get scared. It's not because of assignments or revisions. I just went to my friends' room to waste time. I found myself lazy and I just can't get back into school life for the moment.
Anyway, I've learnt some new things or I should say starting learning. For now, I'm learning swimming (free style) and I'd paid RM50 to get a new Speedo goggle from Tesco. Actually, I'd just learnt once, planning for the second. I've never touch anything related to music before and now I'm learning flute in Chinese Orchestra. Amazed with people solving the rubik cube, I bought a cheap one too, still struggling.
One thing that I feel relieved here is that I can watch FOOTBALL here. Haha. We had a common room with a FEW Astro channels. Each person has to pay RM5 per semester for that, COMPULSORY. However, I usually watch football match in the V6 cafe in UTP.
My friends in Alor Star kept attracting me to go back. There're messages like these that I receive:
"I cannot sleep lo tonight because I want to go Genting tomorrow already ..."
"There'll be a gathering in CSC's house ... but sorry, I forget you are in UTP."
"I'm in CSC's home now. Very happy with others ..."
Specially for the one who "terasa": Don't force me to run back! I'll jump over the fence, get away from the security, climb over the mountains, cross the rivers, pass the jungle and run all the way back to ..... you.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
10 days in National Service
The ride was bumpy. We reached the camp site at about 11a.m. There was a swimming pool. BUT can only be used by the guests of the resort. All of us were gathered in Dewan Tun Abdul Razak. We were given our room number, a pillow, a blanket, a plate, a cup, a spoon and a set of bed cover after handing up all the documents. All our things were checked before we entered our cottage. They were looking for cigarrettes. I met Chik when I entered my room, that is A11-3. I gave my parents a call. Then, a few minutes later, Akmal came in. We started introducing ourselves. Lunch was provided at 12:30pm. I was relieved after having a look at the bathroom. We rushed to padang kawat lama to resemble for group-dividing. There were 4 groups, that was Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta. My group was Alpha. After that, in order to elect a new group leader, a few trainees and I were selected to give commands but I wasn't chosen. On the second day, trainees from Penang and Perak finally arrived. K.J. from Penang and Amirul from Perak were my new room mates.
Ching, Michael, Justin, Soon Theng, Yang Wei, Han Jun, Zhi Yang(Kedah), ....
We were taken for a trip round Dusun Minda Resort and briefed about some future activities like flying-fox, obstacles run, jungle-trekking, canoeing, .... which I didn't manage to try. But before all that, I forget to mention that I'm the first one to be cut off my hair.
A few Landmarks in Dusun Minda Resort

Cottage A
Above is the landmarks I could remember and my cottage. Although it wasn't drawn to scale and not 100% similar, I think it was something like that la. It was quite blur, so if you wanna take a closer look, copy it down. Haha. For your info, the dark blue one of cottage A is our bathroom. Our accomodation was quite good. 6 Persons a cottage with 6 beds and lockers, 2 fans and 2 lamps.
The food there was quite nice. 6 meals a day that is breakfast at 7:30am, tea break at 10:30am, lunch at 12:30pm, tea break again at 4:30pm, dinner at 6:30pm and supper at 10:30pm. Chicken or fish as the main protein, one or two dishes of vegetables, and fruits. I went for the medics once for gastric problems, not because the food wasn't enough but I because didn't eat according to time.
Every trainee was given two sets of pakaian celoreng, two sets of pakaian kelas, two sets of pakaian sukan, two celoreng T-shirts. I learned ways to polish my boots from Chik. My boots were so shining as I got a new one. Ways to tie my boots, how to wear the marching uniform, and even ways to tidy our beds were taught by the trainers. Some particular uniforms and shirts can be sent to the dobby. We had to wash the other shirts we brought ourselves.
As for the activities, I managed to march one time, went to Pokok Sena's Buddha class once, finished Kontrak Kita Janji, attended Charater Building classes three days, i think, Bleep Test, etc. Nohting much to talk about the marching part. The Buddha class was quite fun. We sang songs out loud in the bus on our journey back to the camp. The Kontrak Kita Janji was an activity for all 4 groups to present their promise to the trainers like promised to be punctual, etc. Each team even made their own flag, motto, slogan and song. The Character Building classes had some games that contain some moral values needed to inculcate in life. The Bleep Test was a physical test. I passed the test with level 6.6. Haha. At night when all Muslims went praying during Maghrib, I think, non-Muslims were gathered in Dewan Makan. For the first night, Cikgu Zul let us played a game that was passing the bottle around. Punishment will be given to the one holding it when the music stopped. The purpose was for ice-breaking and encourage us to show the real part of us without feeling embarassed. For the other nights, we gathered there to watch TV, play chess and learn Thai. Ah Tong's and Ah Keong's chinese chess skill were good. I had the chance to play sepak takraw and football a while during leisure time.
It was a good 10 days experience. Although I could not try the flying-fox, the gun-shooting part, etc, I hope all the trainees there will have an enjoyable time.