Saturday, October 2, 2010

十月二日 晴

Sat Oct 2, 2010

1am, back from basketball with a couples of friends. Still having high sports spirit, because long time didn't go for sports. Saw the roundabout in front of hostel, suggest to play football there, and there we go, started the kicking. The football game: 5 guys 1 ball, in the center of the roundabout, cars and motorcycles passing... Heard one motorcyclist saying "Inilah style!".

Suddenly the ball was going out of the road and a Kancil is on its path. Quickly try to stop the ball. Accidentally stepped on the ball and got one of my foot out in the road. The driver slowed down, gave me a smile, and drove off. Lucky me.. and stupid me for trying, should have left the ball! Slept at 3.30am after some time on the web.

<-----This pic pasted is the roundabout.

Morning 7.54am woke up, stuffed three pieces of gardenia bread with kaya into mouth, rushed for saturday lab. Longest lab ever, 8am to 5pm, Drag my body back to room, saw the other packet of expired bread, asked friends to go feed fish beside UTP lake. Fish-feeding at about 6.30pm. UTP fish looks hungry in the picture, fighting for gardenia breads. Gardenia can use this picture for advertistment, but perhaps advertistment in the marine world. Fish feeding is not so fun, so change to fishing catching. UTP fish are just as clever as UTP students, so hard to catch.

But still, UTP students out-wisdomed UTP fish. Gotcha, little fish! 3 more fish "volunteered" to keep him/her accompanied in the end. They are in the hostel now.

9.00pm, started blogging. Think a long time how to write it, at last try the diary type post. Doesn't really seem like one though, doen't know english diary format.

Will be in V5 cafe watching ManU vs Sunderland at 10.00pm. Must win la, ManU!

Sun Oct 3, 2010

waiting for blog post comments.... hahaha


Bond said...

memang style gila, lol...

gt lab in the next day, so long period lab somemore, but still don't want sleep and go to play football, geng!

next time don't so 冒险,if the car didn't see you then kantoi...

don't "kidnap" the fish la, their parents are missing

and finally, MU kalah!!!


head vs tail said...

LOL, "like" Bond's comment
how u catch the fish? next time if u see kura-kura, catch 1 for me la

劉。心。語 said...

Urghh, I also long time didn't go for sports ad. 2 months liao T.T

ryus said...

bond, style la! i surely won't so 冒险 next time, i will ingati orang tersayang. haha. then the fish i wanna rear one but feel guilty a bit la kinapping them, haven't decided wanna put back or not leh. Then finally, MU draws la that match, cilaka...

hy, biawak got la, kura-kura uot of stock in utp, lol

pp, go la badminton once a while, but continue "pak pia" la, ur hardwork will pay off, good luck for ur SPTM

ejatidiaz said...

it's easier for me to visit if u hav chatbox at the side..
nice blog.

cheehwei said...

young and wild and bro, hell yea, that;s what u should do! haha..but pls do be careful next time. I recently went fishing and feels kinda good once i get the hang of it =p bring you next time when u're here..much love.

ryus said...

Ejat, i'll try to put a chatbox later when i'm free, and thanks for the compliments...

Sis, MUST bring me fishing too next time, hehehe.. anyway, just now i play some simple rugby for the first time! Fun but tiring...
and I climbed into the swimming pool to swim at 8pm bcoz it closed at 7pm. Haha.. Wild and young!!!