Saturday, July 4, 2009

an ordinary day

Today is another ordinary day but I would like to make it a point on my life graph by jotting down some events happened today here. This morning, I woke up late, took my breakfast and stuck in front of my laptop again. At 2pm, my sis drove my bro and I to have our new haircut. She had to wait for about an hour and half to get us our new hairstyle. But, I think, the hour and half was worth waiting because my sis and mom said my hair is nice. Anyone who wish to see my new haircut? Haha.

Then before heading home, we dropped by Alor Star Mall to buy my bro a new pair of slippers. My bro only noticed that he left his slippers in one of the restaurants in Alor Star Mall before we stepped into our house. So, we headed back there and had a movie, "Ice Age 3" instead of going back. It was quite nice and funny but "Transformers 2, Revenge of the Fallen" is still top in my list of favourite movies.

At night, there was a heavy downpour with deafening thunder. And, "thack"! the automatic switch or the fuse box closed the passage of electricity to protect the house's electrical appliances from the high-energy overvoltages caused by lightning. There was a blackout. We dared not turn the switch on again because the lightning can still be seen flashing across the sky. My family and I had dinner in a romantic atmosphere with candles all around. Mosquitoes and heat were the spoilers! hahaha. At about 11pm when we came out of the room, our house were engulfed by smoke. We forgot to close the electric cooker and the curry boiled until too dry. Don't worry, there were no sophisticated smoke detectors or water sprinkler mounted in my house. I am dry. I am safe. Just that the scorched food's smell will keep on haunting my house for another day, I think.


cuteJason said...

handsome bo your new hairstyle???

Anonymous said...

haha, may i see your new haircut?

dont purposely put u like the transformer 2 the most, i know i still didn't manage to watch it...

ish ish ish....

ryus said...

Haha. I purposely put the sentence "Anyone who wish to see my new haircut?". Three ppl get hooked. Haha. My new hair cut not very special la. Haha.

cheehwei said...

My must be so furious, unless he is the one who forgot to switch it off..Lol..aaawww, i actually miss the thunderstorm in AS. eh, upload ur new look in facebook ler...dun care !!!