Monday, November 15, 2010

The Helmet

Recently, it is harder and harder for me to focus on studying and gets all the formulas and informations into my mind. It feels like I'm wearing this stupid helmet and all the knowledge just gets deflected away when I tried to put them in. Can anyone please help me take off this helmet? I guess no because I have to do it myself.

I have been trying hard to identify what this helmet is. Guesses made included Facebook, FIFA09, How I Met Your Mother series, random movies, genetic deterioration of my brain cells, pure laziness or wrong mindset. The last two reasons proved to be the more correct answers. Glory achieved accumulate arrogance from time to time. Then, it gives birth to the mindset of me being able to score well even if study last minute. Less and less efforts are being given in. The kiasuism and kiasiism somehow vanished. So, I'll only study when I really feel the tension, and it was like one day before a test.

Since I entered UTP, my routine life was FB and movies, then tests and deadline of assignments approaching, so study and rushing assignments, then finish everything, then enjoy to the max with FB and movies, and the tests and assignments again... the cycles go on. How long since I have seen a star in a clear blue sky although I stayed late almost every night. How long since I have called my siblings and parents for a nice long chat although I have all the time for movies and series. How long since I have watched ManU's match which is something impossible for the old me to miss.

Afterall, I guess this helmet is the new me after I entered UTP. I did change a lot, for the better and for the worse. I enjoyed a lot, and I suffered too. Wearing a helmet is safe, but it is heavy and prevents you from listening clearly too. I think I am kinda lost while adapting to my university life. I need part of the old me back. Hopefully I can get back Alor Star to find myself back during the semester break. For now, I'll enter the battlefield of final exams with this helmet as I do not have time to change or buy a new one. Haha.. Wish me LUCK!!!

*Should have added arrows of FB and movies penetrating the helmet. Hehehehe...............


head vs tail said...

u draw it? cool

Rabbit said...

Find a girlfriend. Go watch stars.

Facebook is bad.

ryus said...

nhy nhy, not i draw one.. I add the equations only, dunno anything about photoshop also...

ZJ, good plan. It is on my to-do list now, lol...

cheehwei said...

yea bro.....get a girl =p