Saturday, September 12, 2009


Under the scorchingly hot sun, my shirt was soaking wet with perspiration, the perspiration of fear, disappointment and stress. Turning the knob, I gave the door a shove that it swung open widely. My little bed came right into sight. The textbook, calculator, stationery, papers in my bag were mentally so heavy that I had to drag my shoes along, all the way to my table. Prammm..., my bag got landed forcefully on the chair. The fan was switched to maximum speed. Taking off my shirt, I just fell onto my bed like a stone sinking into the sea. The sound of the fan was the only melody in my ears. I did not care if my sweaty back would make the bed sheet dirty. My shoes were still on and I was still in my tight jeans. With ear phones "plugged" in my ears, I was looking up at the fluorescent light. It was so bright. Many things flashed through my mind so quickly that I could barely remember them. Already Gone was the first song played. This sad song made me more emotional. My mind started to flutter and my eyelids were drooping. Soon, I found myself lying motionlessly with a calm yet depressed mind. I couldn't move a single muscle although I was still awake. Even if there was a man with a knife standing right in front of me, I think there won't be any reaction from me. I was so exhausted that even my involuntary reflex system couldn't function. Soon, I was sleeping like a log.

Oh, it's three already, which was the exact time my replacement chemistry lecture started. Taking my pencil case and calculator in one hand, I ran to the lecture hall. Gasping for air, I stepped into the lecture hall and found my lecturer standing inside. I was going to take a seat at the behind row when he suddenly shouted: "Hey you, come in front please!" I was still blurred at that time....


colours of the wind said...

Life is not as easy as it seems to be. New challenges comes knocking on the day everyday. "But it just makes you feel human again", quoted from ur sis.

Find back ur passion. Go! Go! Goal!

cyang said...

haha, I should have take all your money and laptop at the time you are "motionless" on the bed...LOL...

ryus said...

czian, ya, makes us feel human again...

yang, u should have. now no more chance

cheehwei said...

bro, tiredness la are just another typical guy la..haha

ryus said...

thanks, sis, luckily u noticed such obvious mistake. haha. i'm really another typical guy la.