Sunday, August 30, 2009

National Day Weekend

Finally, it was weekend again but this was a special one because we would have Monday holiday. Moreover, my roommate went KL. So, the whole room was mine. Hahahahaha. But CY, I didn't touch you thing, don't worry.

As free as a bird after my ICIS lab on friday noon, I washed my clothes and got my finger warm-up for FIFA09 by facebook-ing first. The tough France team got me rematching the game over and over again. My focus disconnected from FIFA when JL called me for badminton. Actually, I was considered beginner in badminton, and I think that's why JL invited me to play so he can bully me. Haha. Mason, CS and David followed along. It was nice. My badminton skills improved, by a minute amount, I think, maybe I hope. Exhausted, I accidentally kicked a senior's file left on the floor. Luckily, the senior was the friendly-type. The game left me with hangover - the aches and pain all around my body, as I didn't warm-up. In the evening, my friend rent a car and brought us out to Tronoh for food. We also went Taman Maju. AND one more thing, I was so reckless to leave my handphone on top of the car and finally realised it when we stopped for petrol-filling. Luckily, the handphone didn't fly off when the car was moving.

There was nothing special on Saturday. I online the whole afternoon and went to play basketball in the evening. At night, I went to watch football with Mason. It was a big match. Manchester United vs Arsenal. MU led 2-1. At the last minute, Arsenal equalised but it was an offside violation. We shouted and cheered like hell until I was too excited to sleep. Anyway, it was not a good performance by MU. Later JL came to my room to sing and Arria came later on to chat. We planned to go for "sahur" at 6am but V2 cafe already closed so we headed back to sleep.

Of course, I skipped Sunday morning. Bearing some mild muscle ache, I still went to play basketball at 10pm. We played with a few pro Malays. I was overcome with fatigue but it feels good to sweat this much. And one more thing, frankly, I really forgot about the National Day countdown. Haha.

It was National Day but I didn't sense any spirit of patriotism around. No sports for Monday. My drama team spent about 3 hours to roughly finish a draft of our script. At night, I had to start rushing for chemistry tutorial. This was the consequences of having the quote "Revising and doing assignment are prohibited in weekends". I didn't even understand what the questions wanted and I wasn't sure what time only I could finish it. So please don't try this in university...


cheehwei said...

wow..renting a car and go for a ride sounds kinda fun. Bro, u should frequent ur driving skill =)

AND u should follow ur fren to KL la..haha

ryus said...

sis, i don't drive here la.

Go KL, no $$$ la. haha. i'll plan lo.